Educating Biafrans All Over The World To Lead In Every Sphere Of Human Endeavor

Biafran University

Business Management
Office Management
Community Management
Family Estate Management
Succession Management
Local, State, & Country Management

Strategic Leadership
Indigenous Leadership
Educational Leadership
Engineering Leadership
Technology Leadership
Political Leadership
Continental Representations


People / Organizations

Strategic Planning

Policy Execution


Historical Perspectives


Boosting The Economy




The mission of Biafran University is to equip all Biafrans home and abroad with Biafracentric life tools that are appropriate and applicable to liberate Biafran minds and create a mentality of freedom, justice, and self-reliance, even in the face of odds.

The vision of Biafran University is to see and live in an egalitarian society made up of freedom-minded ethnic nationalities across the Biafran Territory that was formerly described as the Eastern Region.

The objectives of Biafran University include (a) teaching, coaching, mentoring, and academically assisting Biafrans with the body of knowledge specific to Biafranism, and (b) contributing engineering, technological, scientific, and general brain power within BiafraLand to entrench superb education, healthcare, and global prominence.

***Memory and Honor***

Biafran University was established in memory and honor of General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Head of State, Republic of Biafra
1967 to 1970.

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you  must  be  vigilant  every  step  of  the  way.

Highly Effective Faculty from Recognized Universities.
Customized Education To Fit The Learners.
In Constant Touch With Strategic Stakeholders.

Knowledge is like nutrients. Take it in and your productivity will soar.

Leadership Expertise in Scholarship

Sharpen that God-given talent in life-saving productions

A leader must follow an example. Which paradigm influences your leadership offerings?

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